The Way You Are


The Way You Are is an experience like none other.  

From portraiture to boudoir The Way You Are is here to help how others see you.  

It is a way of defining your beauty.

It defines your inner power and presence. 

way to show who and what you are both to yourself and the rest of the world.


Gander Photo Boudoir 1Gander Photo Boudoir 1


The Way You Are Promises


1 You get to call the shots. We've worked hard together planning your shoot. Looked at ideas, talked them through. At each point I'm going to give you a gentle push to the next stage. You do however have the right to halt whenever you are ready.  We aren't going to go far from what we have agreed but equally you are in  the driving seat.



2 We are never alone. Each and every shot has a female hair and makeup artist who stays on site during your shoot. If make up needs retouching, hair fluffing she is to hand. If you need help tying a bow, straightening a seam or holding a pose.  She's there.




3 Your shoot is unique.  A way you are experience is unique to you. It is designed for you only.  Your ideas and our joint creativity come together to develop an individual and original set of images for you and you alone.




4 Your pictures are yours and you decide who sees them. Worried about posts on FB etc .. don't be. I only show images to people that we have agreed on. If you want your images to remain private that's how they stay.




5 You are going to enjoy the experience from beginning to end. From the first time we meet, getting to know each other and understanding why you want pictures. Planning the shoot. Shopping for the outfits that will feature in the images. Shooting and delivering them as prints I guarantee you will have the most transformational experience. If you don't like what you see, don't enjoy what happens I will either agree to reshoot for free or refund 50% of your money




For more information mail [email protected]