London Photographer Family Portraits Part1

December 17, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Every year I have a portrait day where, and I'll be honest here, my sister arranges for a number of families to come at an allotted time and sit for a portrait session.  I had one such session a month or so ago and I've been so busy I just haven't had time to post about it.  It's always a long day and takes a lot of energy to complete but the rewards are fantastic.  Not only do I get to see a whole new set of people, or in some cases meet up with a family from previous sessions but I also get to have a whole heap of fun.

Two of the sessions this year involved family dogs.  I'm not in the least bothered by dogs, in fact I'd quite like one of my own if I could give it enough time and attention.  What I am concerned about is working with them.  The chap in the first set below is a wonderfully excitable thing who was interested in everything he could find.  His best fun though was when he was given a hat to chew. 

So whilst I got so lovely shots of the family and individuals these are may faves from this session  ...

London Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait Photographer London Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait Photographer London Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait Photographer London Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait Photographer London Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait Photographer London Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait PhotographerLondon Family Portrait Photographer



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