How To Make Sure You Love Your Event Photos Pt3

September 29, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I can't tell you how many people I see who tell me they didn't like their photos ... 

It takes a great deal of trust to be the event photographer and there are a few things you need to be sure of to make sure you get pictures you like.  So here is the first in a number of tips to making sure you end up with pictures you like.


Choose Someone Who Has Good Equipment and Knows How To Use It

There is a saying that goes along the lines of   ....  'The best camera is the one you have in your hand'

It's true that any picture is better than no picture at all but if you are paying a professional to do the job, you have the right to expect professional grade equipment, that is looked after and maintained, and lots of it.  

When it comes to professional equipment it's possible to spend dizzying sums of money.  As a photographer it is easy to get carried away and buy all the toys you would love, but at a certain point common sense kicks in and you get the best tool for the job.

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Gander Photography over time has invested in professional level equipment and we has a selection to choose from.  What that means is, we can shoot for a variety of situations, for a range of photographs for you.  We have the right tool for the right job, would you let a surgeon operate with a kitchen knife and pliers or rather a scalpel and forceps?

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