How To Make Sure You Love Your Event Photos Pt2

September 27, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I can't tell you how many people I see who tell me they didn't like their photos ... 

It takes a great deal of trust to be the event photographer and there are a few things you need to be sure of to make sure you get pictures you like.  So here is the first in a number of tips to making sure you end up with pictures you like.

Use a Professional

In the last several years Gander Photography has covered
  • Over 50 Weddings, Bar and Batmitzvahs and similar events 
  • Taken more than 40 sets of family or individual portraits 
In all that adds upto an estimated over 100,000 pictures taken, reviewed, edited and delivered.  You know what they say practice makes perfect ...
A good event photographer knows how to look around the room, senses when something is happening or more importantly is about to happen.  Just because your Uncle has a good camera and takes a nice picture on holiday doesn't mean they have all the skills necessary to be a good function or portrait photographer.

A good portrait photographer knows how to light, pose people to get the best out of each member in the group.




In short we know what we are doing, we know what happens when, how to handle the little issues that crop up from time to time just so you won't know.

More importantly a good photographer knows it's not all about cameras, lights, props and poses its about getting to know you, understanding you and having fun ​






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